About Me

Hiya! I'm Kathleen, a teacher turned programmer living in Chicago. I taught English as a Second Language in Asia for three years and online for another two and a half years which allowed me to have incredible adventures across the globe. Eventually, my love for natural languages led me to formal languages, and I am now on my way to becoming a polyglot in both!

Currently, I'm a Workday Integration Consultant at TopBloc and member of the Chicago freeCodeCamp web development group. My previous experience includes being a Data Science Teaching Assistant at Northwestern University Boot Camps and a volunteer with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALSK12 as the Lead Intro to CS Instructor with Python for an Adult Basic class at Pima Community College. Forever a teacher, forever a student.


Here are a few of my analysis projects, dashboards, and responsive web design projects, but feel free to check out my GitHub for more.


Visualizing Global Data with Leaflet.js


Poverty vs. Obesity Analysis with D3.js


Weather Dashboard with Bootstrap


Women in the Workforce Analysis


Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup


Rideshare Analysis with Matplotlib


B3 Dashboard with Plotly.js on Heroku


UFO Sightings with DOM Manipulation


Analysis of Climate in Hawaii with SQLAlchemy